
Credibly reintermediate backend ideas for cross-platform models. Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital.

CAMDEN — Forty friends of S.E.A. enjoyed a sunset cruise aboard Schooner Appledore as a fund and awareness raising event. And what a ride it was! “The evening on the water aboard Schooner Appledore offered the ideal environment for sharing ideas and raising both awareness of the S.E.A. mission and funds to support the work.  And, everyone talked...

S.E.A. FAIR 2021

On June 4th, 16 environmental organizations sharing the mission to foster good stewardship gathered at the Camden Public Library Amphitheatre to show their stuff! Check out the S.E.A. website to learn more about who was there. Many residents and visitors attended, and several won incredible Out/door Prizes donated by Camden Harbor Cruises, Maine Sports, Hurricane...


Hope’s Sweet Tree Arts and Sweetland School was awarded funding for child and adult safety vests and headlamps to be used by the school’s volunteer scientists during Maine’s Big Night Amphibian Migration Monitoring activities. The project was created as a direct result of observing the mortality impacts roads are having on amphibian populations, and seeks...


Hope Elementary School science teacher Colin Amundsen was awarded a grant to create a nature trail and outdoor classroom on a one-acre piece of gifted property adjacent to the school campus. Having an outdoor space, Amundsen says, will allow students to better explore their local environment and have a richer learning experience. “Experiences in the...


Rockport’s Riley School was awarded S.E.A. funding for water monitoring equipment to be used in the school’s hands-on science program, which emphases collecting and interpreting scientific data. “At Riley School we’ve always encouraged children to have a voice in their education, and what better way to give them a voice than to have them be...


From the moment she began reading about Buzz Scott and his mission on and under the Gulf of Maine’s warming waters, Barbara Lawrence was hooked. Lawrence, founder and president of Stewardship Education Alliance (S.E.A.), a Midcoast nonprofit launched a year earlier, was sure she’d found a kindred spirit in Scott. With his role as educator,...

Searching for Micro-Plastics in Camden Harbor

Pen Bay Pilot article Saturday, February 6, 2021 CAMDEN — Students thrive on discovery. And it’s through some of those discoveries that local elementary, middle and high school students are today preparing for a future filled with possibilities and opportunities. With support of the Stewardship Education Alliance (S.E.A.) – a year-old nonprofit with the mission...

The Riley School Water Project

In 2020 S.E.A. gave a grant to The Riley School, which they used to learn about water. The Riley School is fortunate to have an extensive campus that includes a stream as well as frontage on an ocean cove. This “Profile of the Child as Learner” written about one of the students was sent to...

S.E.A. gives grant to PeoplePlace

In January, 2020, S.E.A. gave a grant to PeoplePlace toe send two teachers for professional development at Herring Gut Learning Center. Unfortunately, the pandemic forced Herring Gut to cancel courses last summer, but PeoplePlace developed a terrific alternative that Director Sessa Salas explained to the Board of S.E.A. From Sessa Salas: I was talking with...

Touch Tank

Why a Touch Tank? What’s the best way to show why stewardship of the watershed matters? A Touch Tank seemed the answer because it would give people of all ages the chance to interact with sea creatures they might have never seen. The first person we asked for advice was Dom Gioia, Captain of the...