Increasing community awareness of ways to be better stewards of our local watershed.
An educated and engaged community preserving and improving the local watershed.
S.E.A. supports teachers in public and private schools and after-school programs in Camden and Rockport by awarding grants for projects, activities, and professional development that further its mission.
S.E.A also hosts events and donates to local organizations for materials, projects and programs that support its mission.
Encourage students to feel delight in the creatures that inhabit our watershed as well as a sense of stewardship for them and their physical environment
Encourage students to develop respect and concern for the local watershed including the plants and animals that inhabit it. Encourage students to develop basic skills of inquiry and research.
Encourage students to undertake projects that examine specific issues and concerns regarding the local watershed and to report their findings to the community.
Engage and educate the community about the need for good stewardship of local watersheds and provide tools to encourage and support that work.