Ways you can donate and volunteer:
P.O. Box 446
Camden, Maine 04843
S.E.A. needs your time, your help, your financial support, and above all your commitment to be a better steward of our local Camden and Rockport watershed. We are all connected by and to our watershed. If one of us pollutes it with a carelessly dropped cigarette, a tossed bottle or plastic bag, or uses chemical fertilizers and pesticides, we all suffer and so do the creatures with which we share the watershed.
It can take a long time to understand the effects of our actions. Who could have predicted that micro-plastics from synthetic materials in our clothing and laundered into the watershed would affect the growth of lobster larvae? And yet, that is exactly what we now know is happening.
S.E.A. brings together people of diverse backgrounds learning together about how our behavior affects our watershed. Through grants to our teachers, and community events, we support good stewardship. With the help of researchers, scientists, practitioners and each other we are learning what we must do. It’s not easy to accept that our habits are impacting our watershed. It’s not easy to change accepted behavior, but we can and increasingly we understand that we must. With your support, S.E.A. is helping make that happen.
Thank you.
Thank You!